1. Introduction |
2. Objectives |
3. Chart |
4. Isolation of Mother and Child |
5. Neonatal Resuscitation |
6. Neonatal Resuscitation Cont. |
7. Neonatal Resuscitation Cont.. |
8. Isolation of COVID positive mother and child |
9. Stable neonates: Management |
10. Conditions to be met for safe breast feeding |
11. Specific logistics for sick neonates |
12. Specific logistics for sick neonates Cont.. |
13. Sick Neonates: General Management |
14. Sick Neonates: Respiratory Management |
15. Specific anti-COVID-19 treatment |
16. Testing: Which Neonates and When? |
17. Testing: what sample? |
18. Discontinuation of isolation |
19. Discontinuation of isolation |
20. When to discharge an asymptomatic neonate? |
21. When to discharge a symptomatic neonate? Cont.. |
22. When to discharge the neonate? |
23. Measures at home |
24. Key Points |