Investigation in preterm neonates with jaundice requiring treatment

In this webinar, we shall discuss the investigations that are required in a preterm neonate with jaundice needing treatment
In addition to a full clinical examination, carry out all of the following tests in babies with significant jaundice requiring treatment: Total serum bilirubin for baseline level and to assess response to treatment. In general, TSB can be repeated every 12-24 hrs. As opposed to this, a baby with a setting for hemolysis such as Rh or ABO isoimmunisation would require TSB measurement repeat bilirubin estimation every 6-8 hours during initial 24 to 48 hours or so. In addition, the neonate should be investigated for: blood packed cell volume (PCV) or hemoglobin. blood group (mother and baby). DCT (Coombs’ test), if mother is O or Rh negative. Reticulocyte count and peripheral blood smear for evidence of hemolysis.
  • Introduction...
  • 1. Investigations ...


MD, DM (Neonatology)

Consultant Neonatologist
Ankura Hospital for Women and Children
Kukatpally, Hyderabad

1. Investigations in preterm neonates with jaundice requiring treatment

► Total serum bilirubin
      ♦ At baseline
      ♦ 12-24 hourly; 6-8 hrly in setting of hemolysis

► Blood packed cell volume (PCV) or hemoglobin

► Blood group (mother and baby)

► DCT (Coombs’ test), if mother is O group or Rh negative

► Reticulocyte count and peripheral blood smear for evidence
    of hemolysis

► Glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) levels